Extract Fizzyflower_essential_brushset.zip.Open Krita and then go to settings -> Manage resources -> open resource folder.Don't worry, these brushes still work as intended! They can be imported via the resource-management of Krita, or by copying them manually into the folder brushes in Krita’s resource-folder. Note: After installation you will see a "x" in the icons of some of the brushes. But any donation would be very appreciated!!! 🌸 🌸 It’s 100% free, just put 0 in the box. A TON of Foliage/Environmental Brushes (Leaves, grass, trees, ferns, stones, water etc).Cloud/Smoke Brushes, Detail/FX brushes, Skin/pores brushes, Cut/Wound brushes, Chain Brushes, Lace brushes, Texture Brushes, etc.This brush pack contains mostly “ cheat brushes” that will reduce your painting process time! I guarantee no matter what type of artist you are, you will find something useful from my brush pack! What my brush pack contains:

Hi! I’m sharing my massive 180+ collection of “essential” brushes for the free digital art program Krita.